Friday 20 October 2017

Forex Minute Trader Educated Car

Lo demostró todo en los comerciantes internacionales Expotrade en Las Vegas, y ahora usted puede conseguir. Quot EL ÚNICO 100 manos libres, completamente automático, Red Neural basado en Forex robot que produce beneficios de dinero real de 6,70 por mes, o 0,31 por día. PROVEN Con la cuenta de inversor de acceso de contraseña SÍ, 6 POR MES Durante más de 76 meses ahora APRENDE cómo un equipo de desarrollo Neural-Net Genius está revolucionando la industria de comercio de FX automatizado. Y cómo cada día usted puede hacer el dinero en el piloto automático completo, 100 manos libres, con el dinero verdadero más provechoso. Robot FX de Trading en Vivo. . PERO, SABES QUÉ. Olvídate de lo que decimos: Inicia sesión para verificar la cuenta Real-Money, Live siguiente: 2. Una vez que MetaTrader esté instalado: Ve a quotFilequot. A continuación, vaya a quotLoginquot 3. Una vez que la página de inicio de sesión está abierto, ingrese: Ingresar: 1331 Contraseña: LTP28122011 Servidor: FinFX-Live Ver video mostrando Cómo iniciar sesión en nuestra cuenta en vivo Haga clic para jugar y ver el video , Cuenta Real Los detalles de la cuenta a continuación se actualizan cada 5 minutos durante las horas de mercado y cada operación puede ser verificada ingresando a nuestra cuenta real con la contraseña del inversor IMPORTANTE: Esta mini-cuenta registra 10.000 contratos (en lugar de 100.000 Contratos) así 1,0 lotes 1 por pip Leo Trader Pro trade39s Dinero Real, Cuenta Real Curva de Equidad (menos de 77 meses, beneficio neto 514,77) Haga clic para ver la curva de equidad sin trucos. No hay trucos. No Scam Photoshop Makeovers. Ningún negocio manual. Sólo usted - Registrarse en la cuenta de Leo Trading Pro Pro y verificar A) cada uno y cada comercio y B) Que es un dinero real, cuenta en vivo Un promedio de 6 por mes (sí, casi duplicar su cuenta), por más de 76 meses ahora. El rendimiento nunca antes visto. EVER Pero lo más importante. Rendimiento verificado con la única prueba que importa: 6 / Month probado con la contraseña de acceso de la cuenta de acceso de nuevo. Pero más de 76 meses (a partir de ahora) - Promedio de más de 6 por mes en una cuenta real de dinero, en vivo (con MENOS que la reducción) Por lo tanto, si usted está interesado en ver lo que puede lograr con Leo Trader Pro comercio. Si está interesado en ver y VERIFICAR lo que los comerciantes de todo el mundo vieron y verificaron en nuestro stand, mientras que exponen en el International Expotrade Traders en Las Vegas, Nevada. ENTONCES: INGRESE A NUESTRA CUENTA ACERCA DE AMÉRICA VERIFIQUE TODO PARA USTED MISMO Probando la Prueba. Esa es la esencia de lo que somos y la naturaleza de lo que hacemos. Y la base de lo que entregamos. Transparencia total en el mercado de transacciones FX automatizado, preparación COMPLETA para el escrutinio de los consumidores. Eso es lo que obtendrá con el comercio de Leo Trader Pro. Por lo tanto, ¿qué significa quotproving nuestra prueba significa que permitimos (lo sentimos, INSISTIR) que cada persona que visite nuestro sitio de inicio de sesión en nuestra cuenta de comercio con la contraseña de inversor de cuenta para que puedan verificar por sí mismos lo que importa. 1. Cada uno de los intercambios realizados en la cuenta 2. El hecho de que se trata de un dinero real, la cuenta de LIVE (con menos de draw down). 3. El hecho de que la cuenta ha subido 514.77 en menos de 77 meses (es decir, más de 6 por mes) - No es suficiente para mostrar un gráfico agradable. (El quottrade entrado aquí salió allí - Nadie va a la tienda de comestibles con quotcould podría haber hecho dinero) - No es suficiente para mostrar una buena mirada back-test. 97.3 exactitud en 6 años de quottradingquot, 93.6 en 3 años, etc. (las pruebas posteriores son caramelos visuales ajustados de la curva, ni más ni menos) - NO es suficiente demostrar una cuenta verdadera cuotreal impresionante de la cuenta real. Etc - No es suficiente para mostrar un gran VIDEO (estilo de Hollywood) hyping el infierno fuera del producto con publicidad en su mayoría falsa - No es suficiente utilizar gráficos de fantasía adjunta a las declaraciones de cuenta (doctorado con Photoshop) mostrando 1.276. 2.931. 3,729 beneficios, etc. Si usted ha estado alrededor de este lugar por un tiempo entonces usted ya lo ha visto TODO. Fancy pantallas, grandes back-tests, gráficos llamativos, etc que no es prueba de rendimiento Lo único que estas cosas demuestran son los diseñadores gráficos39 y vendedores39 la capacidad de estafa VISUALMENTE No importa qué producto FX usted decide comprar, el rendimiento La PRUEBA es la única y ÚNICA cosa que importa. Todos estamos hartos de ver lo que está sucediendo en esta industria: CADA SEMANA. Sí, e-v-e-r-y sola semana. Un nuevo robot FX, sistema, indicador, software, servicio de señal, etc. aparece en el mercado. - Impresionantes nombres de productos (en su mayoría, la palabra Forex adjunta a términos pegadizos utilizados en Hollywood Sci-Fi o películas de acción). - Alegaciones impresionantes (pero SOLAMENTE reclamos, en su mayoría vacíos). - Garantías impresionantes (en su mayoría ILEGALES y lo que queremos decir). - Impresionante bombo (bombo siempre ha sido alrededor, pero, los vendedores de Forex le han dado un nuevo significado). - Promesas extravagantes (una promesa no es una mala cosa, siempre y cuando esté respaldada por una prueba REAL). - Unheard de rendimiento (¿sabes lo que la diferencia real entre el rendimiento de Forex y un rendimiento de Broadway es simple.) Pero NONE. Y lo repetimos. N - O - N - E irá a la quotgoldenquot milla adicional Ningún comerciante FX (ya sea de robots, servicios de señales, sistemas, etc) irán esa milla quotgoldenquot extra. ¿Y qué es ese quotgolden extra milequot ¿Qué es ese pequeño paso que cada vendedor de FX podría fácilmente tomar para probar a usted que su producto es tan bueno como él o ella afirma, pero quotneglectsquot para hacerlo ACCOUNT INVESTOR ACCESO CONTRASEÑA CONFIRMACIÓN POR LA CORREO DONDE EL DINERO REAL, CUENTA VIVA ESTÁ COMERCIADA Sí, sabemos que la mayoría de la gente nunca ha oído hablar de la contraseña del inversor del plazo de cotización y que está bien. A la mayoría de la gente estamos hablando en lenguas Pero, no debería ser así Bueno, simplemente porque es el ÚNICO método absoluto de demostrarle que una cuenta comercial anunciada es una cuenta real de dinero real. Que no es una creación de alguien con buenas habilidades de Photoshop Antes de continuar, nos gustaría invitarle a ver el breve TUTORIAL de video corto sobre lo que MT4 quotAccount Investor Passwordquot es, su importancia enorme para usted como consumidor de FX. Y porqué los vendedores de FX WON39T lo dan a usted. Haga clic para reproducir y ver el vídeo Let39s empezar desde el principio. Y por favor preste mucha atención aquí. Usted está a punto de aprender la verdad más importante, y lamentablemente, quotdeceivingquot cuando se trata de los productos de Forex anunciados. Tome unos segundos y responda a la siguiente pregunta: No importa lo que la publicidad relacionada con Forex se encuentra. Cuál es la estrategia principal que el quotmarketerquot del producto de FX utiliza para sucker usted en la compra de su solución que negocia automatizada le toma tiempo ... piensa sobre esto MUY cuidadosamente Piense en todos esos Web site relacionados de FX que usted ha venido a través en los días pasados: ¿Qué tienen todos en común? ¿Qué es lo que todos ellos giran sus esfuerzos de marketing en todo - ¿Qué quotstrategyquot utilizan para persuadir a comprar su producto podría ser quot performancequot. Sí, podría. Y sí lo es. Cada único robot de Forex / proveedor de productos que usted (o ya ha) tropezó (en línea o fuera de línea) se concentrará cada esfuerzo de marketing en torno a su alto rendimiento de su robot / sistema / señales, etc. 825 en 2 meses. 375 en 17 días. 27 en 2 días. O, entre aquí, la salida allí las cartas, clava 137 pips. O, un gráfico de una declaración de cuenta supuestamente en VIVO que muestre una prueba quotundeniable. . Y eso es sólo el comienzo, la punta del iceberg. Pero si usted ha estado alrededor en el lugar para un pedacito, usted sabe ya todos los trucos-del-comercio. Sí. Utilizando FAKE o CHERRY PICKED rendimiento quotproofquot proof es la estrategia 1 que automatizado FX solución vendedores utilizan. SUCKER YOU en el pensamiento de que lo que están vendiendo es un DIAMANTE cuando en realidad no es nada más que una piedra falsa Los vendedores en línea son verdaderos maestros cuando se trata de utilizar los datos de rendimiento KILLER en sus esfuerzos de marketing. ESO ES UN HECHO DE LA INDUSTRIA. Por favor, preste mucha atención aquí porque no importa lo que hagas. No importa lo que Forex robot / sistema / servicio de señales, etc que elija comprar en el futuro, usted debe entender lo siguiente: El rendimiento anunciado es tan inútil como un paraguas en un día sin lluvia a menos que el propietario del producto proporciona prueba concreta TRANSPARENTE Que la cuenta es una cuenta de dinero real, transacción en vivo. No más. no menos. No compromete lo que-así-siempre. A USTED se le proporciona una prueba sólida de que la cuenta es un dinero real. Cuenta en vivo, o debe considerar el robot / sistema / señal de servicio, etc y cualquier prueba asociada con él como inútil. . Y eso es el final de la misma. Diremos esto de nuevo porque es el elemento más importante de cualquier proceso de toma de decisiones que usted debe pasar cuando decide qué producto FX comprar / usar: Si no hay dinero real. Se proporciona una prueba de cuenta real (es decir, acceso de contraseña de inversor a la cuenta). Y si la correduría en la que se negocian las cuentas no certificará sus transacciones. El producto y cualquier prueba asociada con él es INÚTIL. Para que puedas entender mejor. Vamos a echar un vistazo a un ejemplo de una situación más común que ilustrará esta regla crucial en el comercio automatizado FX: Supongamos que desea comprar un coche. Antes de comprarlo, seguramente querrá saber si el motor funciona. Que el coche conduce como se anuncia. Y que sea cómodo, etc. - correcto. Cómo sabrías todo esto Muy simple (y los que han comprado un coche lo saben): Le pedirías al vendedor de automóviles las llaves del coche para que puedas verificar todos los detalles relacionados con su rendimiento. ¿Qué pasa si el vendedor de coches te lo dice No puedo proporcionarle las llaves del coche, usted tendrá que tomar mi palabra para que el coche se realiza como anunciado. Usted ve el punto Bueno, lo mismo sucede con el comercio de FX automatizado: El quot coche quot clave es la contraseña de quot de inversor de cuenta y quot. De la misma manera que nunca, nunca, comprar un coche sin el vendedor en primer lugar dándole las llaves para que pueda iniciarlo para comprobar su rendimiento. Para escuchar y probar el motor. Nunca debe comprar un producto de FX si el vendedor declara que un extracto de cuenta (es decir, una prueba de rendimiento) es una cuenta real y de dinero real, pero no le dará la contraseña de inversor a la cuenta para que pueda LOG-IN y verificar: 1. Todo el comercio (entrada, salida, boleto) 2. Que la cuenta es un dinero real, cuenta en vivo 3. Que los datos de rendimiento anunciados son exactos ¿Hay algo mal en el rendimiento de la publicidad en sus esfuerzos de marketing de productos FX Es extraño que digamos que no es realmente una necesidad de utilizar la prueba de rendimiento al presentar un producto automatizado FX para el público - siempre y cuando el rendimiento es real. De nuevo. Siempre y cuando el rendimiento es REAL Lo siento por repetir esto tanto, pero you39ve GOT a GET it. QuotREALquot Al final del día, el comercio de divisas es un negocio de rendimiento, es por eso que usted compra una solución automatizada de FX. Quieres rendimiento, quieres ganancias reales. Ahora. Antes de seguir adelante, si aún no lo has hecho, asegúrate de: 1. Ver nuestro video tutorial que explica lo que la contraseña del inversor de la cuenta es en mucho detalle al HACER CLIC AQUÍ. Y, 2. Si aún no ha entrado en nuestro quot 6 POR MES por más de 76 meses ahora, en dinero real, cuenta en vivo (sí, LIVE 24/5), HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para ver un video que muestra cómo hacerlo. Los vendedores de Forex Twist la verdad. El arte de estafar. Un hecho desafortunado en la automatización FX Trading Industry Prueba es como la matemática. NEGRO y BLANCO. Ningún término medio, ninguna zona gris que-así-nunca. O lo tienes o no. O lo puedes probar, o puedes. Sin embargo, el triste hecho es. Que los vendedores de Forex son REYES cuando se trata de tomar la prueba en esa área quot gris. No realmente probar lo que tienen. Sólo lo que parece que están demostrando sus números. Somos POSITIVOS que la mayoría de visitar nuestro sitio web tuvo las desafortunadas experiencias que les hizo entender lo que estamos diciendo arriba. Tenemos que decir esto. Forex es la industria fueron los vendedores son los más creativos cuando torcer la verdad. Doblando los hechos. Ocultando la realidad. Sólo tienen una cosa en mente. Haciendo dinero de los consumidores inocentes que aún no entienden los métodos y tácticas que se están utilizando para persuadirlos a COMPRAR. Y van a ir a cualquier longitud con el fin de lograr esto. CUALQUIER longitud Todo es VÁLIDO para estas personas. Van a explotar al consumidor hasta que no queda nada más que explotar. De la misma manera que en la batalla hay un objetivo SÓLIDO: conquistar al enemigo. En la comercialización masiva del objetivo, la misión. Está tomando el dinero de los consumidores inocentes a toda costa Aquí es un hecho simple para usted: Es un hecho: De todas las industrias en línea / nichos, la industria de comercio FX tiene las mayores tasas de reembolso por FAR La razón es bastante simple. Todos somos seres humanos. Y es por eso que todos somos capaces de caer para la publicidad de fantasía, hiped-up. Queremos tanto creer que lo que estamos leyendo y viendo es cierto, terminamos creyendo. No importa cómo fuerte las señales de precaución rojo son Pero, ¿sabes qué. En realidad es incluso más que eso. Es una cuestión de educación. De lo que usted aprende a través de sus encuentros con diferentes sitios web relacionados con FX, vendedores, blogs, etc Si lo que lees en todos esos sitios web / blogs / sitios de revisión, etc fue exacta, factual, datos fiables - verdadera publicidad orientada hacia REALMENTE educar y NO Sólo engañosa al consumidor. Entonces podríamos decir que la decisión de los consumidores de comprar un producto de FX es una basada en la elección culta (la forma en que debe ser) sin fundamento, que no es cómo funcionan las cosas en esta industria. Aquí hay un ejemplo que te hará entender. Así, usted verá: Un comerciante de Forex muestra la prueba en su sitio web que un estado de cuenta refleja dinero real, el rendimiento de comercio en vivo. Eso es correcto. No un back-test O demo-trading. Pero los depósitos REALES se negocian en vivo bajo condiciones reales de mercado. Interesante. atractivo. Llama la atención. Con toda la suposición, hyped para arriba, gran mirada y gráficos atractivos. Estas cuentas miran la COSA GRANDE SIGUIENTE. Para los comerciantes de FX verdaderamente educados, esto podría ser ridículo, pero ¿sabía usted que la mayoría de la gente no sabe cómo verificar si un extracto de cuenta publicado en el sitio web de un vendedor de FX es VERDADERAMENTE en vivo y en dinero real. ellos creen. Y por supuesto, terminan recibiendo quotBURNEDquot OTRA VEZ. El consumidor medio del producto de FX no tiene absolutamente ninguna idea cómo verificar esto. Pero, ¿sabes qué? Ellos no tienen ni idea de lo que el VENDOR podría hacer, qué HERRAMIENTA él tiene a su disposición, con el fin de probar más allá de toda duda que el extracto de cuenta es real junto con cada transacción en ella. Es como cuando vas a un médico porque no te sientes bien. Y usted sabe que hay medicinas que el doctor puede prescribirle pero usted no sabe cuál o cuál él se compone de. Asi que. Es lo mismo aquí. De la misma manera que el médico sabe qué prescribir a sus clientes, el vendedor de FX sabe qué herramientas de verificación puede poner a disposición de su cliente potencial. La única diferencia es. El médico le dará la medicina, el vendedor de FX no le dará acceso a esa herramienta (contraseña de inversor de cuenta) De hecho, lo que hará el comerciante de Forex es tomar ventaja de su falta de conocimiento en esta área con el fin de llegar a Saque su tarjeta de crédito. En NUESTRO libro, que es una de las definiciones de estafa. Si ha estado leyendo nuestra carta desde el principio, sabe lo que falta en 99.99 de los sitios web de productos Forex. Que una cosa que falta. Es esa HERRAMIENTA que nuestra comercializadora de FX de quotrespectablequot puede utilizar para PROBAR la PRUEBA. Y eso es (como deberías saber ahora). Antes de continuar. Asegúrese de ver el video tutorial a continuación que explica en DETALLE qué cuenta es la contraseña del inversor, su relevancia para USTED y por qué es la única manera de probar la prueba: Haga clic para reproducir y ver el video La contraseña de inversor le proporciona al consumidor . Con vista sólo para acceso a una cuenta MT4. Es decir, puede acceder a la cuenta, navegar a través de ella, pero no puede colocar ningún oficio en ella. Tomemos por ejemplo, por ejemplo, el equipo comercial de Leo Trader Pro. Desde el primer momento que aterrizó en nuestro sitio web, hemos estado presentando a usted la contraseña de inversor de cuenta a nuestra cuenta real de dinero real, para que:. USTED puede acceder a la cuenta, B. Usted puede ver exactamente lo que ha estado pasando dentro de él C. USTED puede verificar los resultados de comercio por comercio D. USTED PUEDE VERIFICAR si es una demo o una cuenta real. Pero lo más importante, y lo subrayamos. Lo más importante: para que usted pueda VERIFICAR que no es falso. Que no es un producto de buenas habilidades de Photoshop. Que existe en el mundo real Además, es la única manera: - Para que usted esté seguro de que el robot / sistema / señales realmente funcionan (sólo en vivo, el comercio de dinero real puede probar esto) - Un proveedor de FX puede establecer Credibilidad, confianza y vale la pena Su dinero duramente ganado - Para un proveedor que le muestre TODA la historia de la cuenta y no sólo las fechas elegidas a mano y los oficios que quieren que usted vea. Asi que. Usted ahora sabe la GRAN importancia de la contraseña del inversor de la cuenta MT4. Usted está EDUCADO ahora sobre el tema y desde este punto y en adelante, no hay excusa. ABSOLUTAMENTE ninguna excusa O usted lo demanda al comprar un robot de la divisa / el servicio de las señales / el sistema etc. O USTED será el único culpar si usted es aprovechado de, si usted es scammed la mirada. Ya sabemos por qué los vendedores de divisas no se lo dan a usted. Ellos no le darán a usted porque pueden CAN39T cómo puede usted dar algo que usted no debe tener si lo tenían. Ellos le darían por qué, porque eso significaría al menos doblar sus ventas como resultado That39s derecho. Si le dieran acceso a su cuenta de operaciones, permita que se conecte y verifique sus reclamaciones. Que haría por lo menos el doble de las ventas más Y sí, sabemos we39ll obtener un montón de calor y la crítica de la mayoría de los vendedores de FX a partir de hoy en adelante para exponer esto. Pero la pura verdad es que o bien puede probar la prueba o no puede Esto no es un juego como la mayoría de los vendedores de FX lo tratan Usted está vendiendo soluciones comerciales a la gente, cuyo costo no son tan relevantes como el dinero negociado con estas soluciones . Y es una irresponsabilidad COMPLETA. Y lo queremos decir, una irresponsabilidad COMPLETA. Para crear una imagen TOTALY FAKE y la presentación de lo que está vendiendo. Abusando de la inocencia de sus clientes y la falta de educación en el nicho, sólo para conseguir que él o ella para sacar esa tarjeta de crédito Ahora usted sabe mejor. Ahora usted es educado en el asunto de la PRUEBA. Usted ahora sabe qué DEMANDAR al evaluar un producto de la divisa. Después de todo está dicho y hecho..FX es un negocio de la PRUEBA. Nada más importa en esta industria. Lo dijimos antes. Es una industria en blanco y negro donde los números no mienten. DEMAND para ver esos números con una contraseña de inversor de cuenta, SIEMPRE. Y antes de continuar. Recuerde que siempre puede: 1. Ver nuestro video tutorial que explica la contraseña del inversor de la cuenta en mucho detalle al hacer CLIC AQUÍ. Y, 2. Si aún no ha entrado en nuestro quot 6 POR MES por más de 76 meses ahora, en dinero real, cuenta en vivo (sí, LIVE 24/5), HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para ver un video que muestra cómo hacerlo. HECHO 1: TODOS los robots de la divisa basados ​​en reglas probadas detrás NO TRABAJAN. Y El Problema Es: 99 De Los Robots En El Mercado Están Basados ​​En Las Reglas Detrás-Probadas. HECHO 2: Las redes neuronales SOLUCIONAN el problema de que los robots comunes tienen y son la única manera de lograr más de 6 ganancias netas por mes (automatizado). Alguna vez se preguntó por qué es que NO FX robot en el mercado de las obras Lo decimos en serio. ¿Alguna vez has comprado un robot que cumplió con los reclamos de los vendedores ¿Alguna vez has conocido a alguien que ha comprado un robot que gana dinero ¿Alguna vez has visto a un VENDEDOR mismo haciendo dinero con un robot (por supuesto, tendría que darte la cuenta Inversor contraseña para demostrarlo) Usted consigue nuestro punto. y la respuesta es no. Por supuesto no FX robots, ya que están construidos hoy, no funcionan. Simplemente no pueden trabajar. La base sobre la que se construyen nunca puede producir resultados rentables durante un largo período de tiempo. Ése es porqué cualquier robot que usted ha comprado sopló su cuenta inmediatamente o quotdid wellquot por algunos días y entonces tomó el cuidado de limpiarle limpio Déjenos explicar porque esto es MUY importante. Prácticamente todos los robots que encontrará en el mercado de hoy están codificados con un conjunto de reglas de prueba. Muy sencillo: Si AB y C ocurre con una precisión de X que resulta en la rentabilidad de Y durante los últimos 2,3,4,5 o 6 años en un back-test de lo que hemos obtenido un robot El robot se coloca en una cuenta real y IMMEDIATAMENTE tanques (algo que ha sucedido a probablemente 99 de los que leen esta carta) Así. Lo que pasó ¿Por qué fue tanque ¿Por qué aniquilar tu cuenta? Lo hizo muy bien en los back-tests, manteniendo su terreno durante unos años (de nuevo, en la back-test). Así que ¿por qué mi cuenta ha sido diezmada La respuesta es bastante simple. Preste la atención porque ésta es una de las lecciones más importantes que usted aprenderá sobre el comercio de FX automatizado: Porque los mercados tienen una personalidad que cambie MUY a menudo sin aviso previo y los robots son apenas eso. ROBOTS No piensan, no se adaptan a los mercados, al igual que los seres humanos, tienen una personalidad. Algunos elementos de su personalidad no cambiarán, otros aspectos lo harán, y MUY con frecuencia. Los robots de Forex no piensan que no se adaptan Se codifican con reglas HARD. They39re 100 mecánica (si ab, do c) y no puede mantenerse al día con los cambios de personalidad del mercado. Ahora. Queremos ampliar un poco sobre el concepto de quot personalidad de mercado, ya que es VITAL que usted entiende esto. ¿Qué es la personalidad del mercado, cómo podemos definirlo en realidad muy fácil. Éstos son sólo algunos de los muchos elementos que entran en la personalidad del mercado plazo. - La cantidad de volatilidad durante los diferentes períodos de la sesión de 24 horas - La relación entre el tamaño de los movimientos de precios y el tiempo que toma para que los movimientos ocurran (es decir, 10 pips en 5 segundos VS 10 pips en 14 segundos) - Cómo se comporta el mercado cuando se cierra una sesión (por ejemplo, la sesión de la UE) y se abre la siguiente (por ejemplo, la sesión de EE. UU.). - ¿Cuánta liquidez hay en determinados momentos de la sesión de negociación para cualquier par de divisas (clave para el scalping)? - Longitud De las tendencias (de nuevo, por período de tiempo) - Velocidad de las reversiones (de nuevo, por plazo) - Características de las rupturas falsas Otra vez. Y lo subrayamos. Estos son sólo unos pocos de los elementos que conforman quot personalidad del mercado. Personalidad del mercado es muy complejo, muy dinámico y muy incompatible con quotrule basado systemsquot. Lea eso otra vez. INCOMPATIBLE CON SISTEMAS BASADOS EN LA REGLA. Hoy (repetimos) todos los robots FX en el mercado están codificados con una estrategia basada en reglas (100 mecánico, si ab do c). Y es por eso que no funcionan. Esto es algo que Tienes que entender. . Porque una cosa es comprar robots FX y perder dinero una y otra vez. Es otra cosa saber por qué está perdiendo dinero para que no cometer el mismo error de nuevo TODOS los robots en el mercado de hoy se construyen con un conjunto de reglas de prueba de nuevo. Un conjunto de reglas RIGIDAS que utilizaron para trabajar en el pasado. Pero NO PODRÍA ADAPTAR en dinero real, comercio en vivo Y lamentamos seguir repitiendo esto. Pero es clave para su educación con respecto a los robots FX comerciales estándar. ¿Puedes ver ahora cuál es el problema aquí? Si no. Luego intente nuevamente (por favor preste más atención esta vez). I. Un conjunto de reglas mecánicas (si ab, do c), II. Back-probado, probado para trabajar en el pasado, y codificado en un robot, III. Aplicado a un mercado que CAMBIA personalidad a menudo Así que te lo pedimos. Nuevamente: ¿Puedes ahora ver cuál es el problema aquí? Si no. A continuación, poner claramente y simplemente: NO FX robot que ha tenido su código basado en un conjunto de normas que cubría una determinada personalidad del mercado en el pasado, funciona en un entorno de mercado REAL y LIVE. Y QUE las señoras y el caballero es por qué 100 de los robots de base de prueba del quotrule de la contra-prueba NO TRABAJAN TODOS LOS robots de FX en el mercado de today39s son 100 reglas basaron los robots. Si usted tiene alguna experiencia de comercio FX, entonces usted sabe cuánto esto va en contra de la lógica y el sentido Y por cierto. ¿Alguna vez se preguntó por qué los comerciantes MANUAL que son los que hacen el dinero REAL Porque tienen un cerebro que tienen la capacidad de análisis. Ellos piensan que ADAPTAN. . JUST como las redes neuronales (que vamos a llegar a en un poco) Su común FX robots, los que se lanzó a usted cada día, se basan en una fundación que es incorrecto. Se basan en la presunción de que la personalidad y el comportamiento del mercado no cambian. Eso, nuestro amigo, es el enorme error que hace cada usuario del robot FX. Pensando que la personalidad del mercado será siempre la misma y que las reglas que retro-probaron bien seguirán siendo verdad en condiciones del mercado de mañana. Queremos ir más lejos con todo esto puesto que es VITAL que usted entiende qué está sucediendo en el mercado. . Incluso si usted no se convierte en nuestro cliente Por lo menos usted sabrá por qué está perdiendo su dinero (pero todavía tienen la oportunidad de hacer algo al respecto) con todos estos inútiles hacer dinero trading FX scam productos que están ahí fuera. La prueba que demuestra por qué cada robot en el mercado (back-test basado en unos, que describe todos ellos en realidad) no funciona. Esto es lo que hicimos: Un ejercicio sencillo pero educativo. Conseguimos que el equipo de desarrollo comercial de Leo Trader Pro creara un robot FX, basado en 100 reglas mecánicas que probaron bien durante casi 4 años (del 1 de enero de 2007 al 27 de agosto de 2010). Hicimos lo que TODOS los vendedores de robots automatizados FX hacer (es decir, los productos que usted compra) Así que, después de un montón de trabajo duro (y fue un montón de trabajo duro). Después de miles de back-tests basados ​​en una amplia gama de variaciones de parámetros. Nos dieron un DREAM back-test - Depósito. USD 10.000 - Ganancia Neta. USD 98.800,92 - Porcentaje de Utilidad Neta. 988.92 - Drawdown máximo: 5.84 (WOW) Sí. Una ganancia neta de 988,92 con menos de 6 rebajas. Si este fue el primer producto de FX automatizado que alguna vez se encontró con usted probablemente habría dicho que pronto será rico. Y por qué no (nosotros como seres humanos, tendemos a creer en la LÓGICA). Es lógico pensar que, si el robot lo hizo tan bien en un back-test, continuará haciéndolo bien en los próximos años en un verdadero dinero, el ambiente de mercado en directo pero. La charla es barata y estamos todos sobre la PREPARACIÓN de la PRUEBA en todo lo que hacemos. Asi que. Tomamos el robot y lo colocamos en una cuenta de 1.000 reales de dinero real. La única manera de demostrar un punto. La única manera de demostrar el rendimiento REAL Y así, aquí está nuestro beneficio NET 988.92 con menos de 6 drawdown (casi 4 años) robot LIVE: Otra vez. No se preocupe, sólo arriesgamos USD 1.000 con este dinero real, cuenta en vivo Y aquí están las estadísticas de la cuenta real de dinero, en vivo de comercio: - Depósito. US 1.000 (dinero real) - Utilidad Neta. USD 0 - Porcentaje de Utilidad Neta. 0 - Drawdown máximo. 100 (cuenta batida) Sí. Cambiamos el robot en un dinero real, cuenta en vivo por un poco más de 3 meses y perdió todo el depósito limpió. Limpiado borrado. En el back-test, el robot obtuvo un beneficio neto de 988,92. Y, en el comercio LIVE. Bueno: Se borró la cuenta en menos de 3 meses. De nuevo. En menos de tres meses Así que, ¿por qué la prueba de nuevo tan bueno y el dinero real, el comercio en vivo tan catastrófico Bueno. Si usted ha estado prestando atención CERRADA a lo que hemos estado diciendo hasta ahora (es decir, usted ha leído nuestra carta en DETALLE desde el principio) usted sabría que los cambios de la personalidad del mercado y las reglas mecánicas (si AB y luego C) son buenos para el Pasado, pero IRRELEVANTE para el futuro Línea de fondo, y esto es todo lo que importa: La única manera de ganar dinero (y mucho de lo que podría agregar: 6 beneficio NET por mes) Forex trading en piloto automático completo. . Es mediante el uso de tecnología que sabe adaptarse. Entender y explotar TODAY39S mercado AMBIENTE y PERSONALIDAD. Adaptar. Y. Los 2 términos clave en el comercio de Forex automatizado y. La razón por la tecnología de Neural Net y el desarrollo es la única manera de crear rentables sistemas automatizados que soportan la prueba de tiempo en un entorno real, el comercio en vivo Redes Neuronales Automatizadas: 6 LÍNEA NETA Por Mes, Por Menos de 77 Meses. Promedio de 2 operaciones por día (con MENOS que la reducción). Y, VERIFICADO Por la cuenta Contraseña del inversor ¿A quién le importa lo que sucedió 4, 3, 2. o incluso hace 1 año (sí, robots basados ​​en reglas de prueba) PERO, en relación a hoy. Ya has visto nuestra cuenta en efectivo real. Usted sabe que estamos promediando más de 6 por mes ganancia neta (y pronto lo hará). Y usted sabe que la rebaja del comercio de Leo Trader Pro es menor que. Sabes todo esto porque has iniciado sesión en nuestra cuenta y lo has verificado por ti mismo. Por cierto, si aún no lo has hecho, siempre estás invitado a hacerlo. Aquí están los detalles: NOTA. Si no sabe cómo descargar, instale MT4 y use la opción de inicio de sesión de la contraseña del inversor, por favor, HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para ver el video tutorial. Recuerda . La transparencia es lo que somos. Siempre proporcionaremos una contraseña de inversor a nuestra cuenta de trading (que ha estado promediando más de 6 por mes ganancia neta) en nuestro sitio web, SIEMPRE queremos que cualquiera que visite nuestro sitio web pueda acceder a él y verificar independientemente su AUTENTICIDAD, nuestras reclamaciones y La exactitud BRUTAL y la rentabilidad de las redes neurales aplicadas al comercio automatizado de divisas. Pero, sabes qué. Queremos ir más lejos Queremos entregar a USTED toda la prueba que USTED MERECE (recuerde NUNCA descanse para menos). Asi que. Aquí es lo que hicimos. Hemos llamado a Jani Hjerppe, el CEO de FinFX. La correduría de divisas donde nuestras cuentas se están negociando, y le pidió CERTIFICAR por teléfono (incluso grabamos la conversación) y por escrito, el rendimiento de Leo Trading Pro Pro. A continuación encontrará: 1. Una conversación telefónica grabada con Jani Hjerppe, CEO de FinFX, y (ya que HEARING no es suficiente) 2. Una carta de él reiterando la conversación telefónica tanto sobre la cuenta de comercio de Leo Trader Pro encontrada en nuestro sitio web y mencionada Por debajo de Jani Hjerppe CEO - FinFX Trading Oy Después de nuestra entrevista telefónica con Jani, le pedimos confirmación por escrito con respecto a los detalles y el funcionamiento de la cuenta de comercio de Leo Trader Pro: Para fines de autenticación, una copia de esta carta puede verse en el sitio web de FinFX HACIENDO AQUÍ (Abre en ventana nueva) ESO es lo que PROVENIR la PRUEBA es todo y como seguiremos diciendo (siempre). Somos CAPAZOS de hacer esto, porque conseguimos las mercancías. Porque no tenemos nada que esconder. Y porque nuestro rendimiento es REAL en todos los aspectos. ¿Alguna vez has visto a un vendedor de Forex publicar en su sitio web una declaración por escrito (y entrevista telefónica) por el CEO de la correduría eran las cuentas se están negociando, CERTIFICANDO su autenticidad aún mejor. ¿Alguna vez has visto a un corredor publicar la carta en su propio sitio web (haga clic aquí para ver) para más confirmación Por supuesto que haven39t. That39s porque esos productos de FX que usted está acostumbrado a ver cada otro día son JUNK. FALSO. and those that escape the category of quotJUNK and FAKEquot are simply not good enough to stand the test of time under real-money, LIVE market conditions And THAT is why you do not see vendors showing the type and QUALITY of proof we show. they CAN39T If you took the time to read what we had to say about FX robots (the conventional ones. i. e. ALL the FX robots on the market today) earlier. you already have a sense/understanding of why you have NEVER witnessed performance approaching Leo Trader Pro trade39s in the past. You now know what market personality means. How it is relevant to YOUR FX trading and, most importantly: How it is responsible for the fact that ANY FX robot/system/solution you will see in today39s marketplace is USELESS What you NOW want to know is HOW neural nets are different. how they provide a solution to the problem that conventional FX robots present. Bien. that is both SIMPLE and COMPLICATED to explain. Let39s rephrase that: The reasoning is simple to explain, the technology behind the reasoning is much ( much ) harder to understand (and of course, explain) Neural network development has one objective: - ADAPT to what is happening in the market as of NOW. - KNOW what the CURRENT market behavior is. - AND speculate with a high degree of accuracy, the probability of the market39s behavior changing. Neural networks are quottrainedquot on a daily basis. They are as close as can be to a quotliving and breathingquot entity. The beauty of neural networks is that the more you have . the more you get them to co-operate with each other and feed each others logic, the more accurate will their trade triggers be. By the way, Leo Trader Pro trade uses 7 (yes, SEVEN) neural nets. which is A LOT. It is hard enough to create one neural net . imagine the work involved into creating 7 of them and the platform which allows them to quot communicate quot with each other. Trabajo duro. They DO NOT rely on a set of hard rules and they do not favor any particular strategy They allow the CURRENT market behavior to dictate the correct strategy and parameters to be used. By saying quotcurrentquot market behavior, we mean: market behavior of the past 24 hours WITH relation to certain overall characteristics of the medium term market behavior ( never ever more than 3 weeks). Normal FX robots (i. e. the conventional approach to FX trading, the one you have been scammed with SO many times before) have ZERO problem solving abilities. They are HARD coded and completely quot locked quot to a certain type of market behavior. They CANNOT adapt In contrast. neural nets are able to: - Be constantly trained to adapt to what is going on NOW in the market - Speculate on price behavior with awesome accuracy - Generate trades that are OVER 99 profitable (as you can see in Leo Trader Pro trade39s account statement) - Trade with LESS than drawdown (which by the way, is what counts in trading) - Guarantee that you are never caught off guard when market behavior changes That is what the power of UNDERSTANDING current market behavior is all about. (and we hope you do not make the mistake of trading, or continuing to trade, with conventional FX robots) neural nets applied to automated FX trading is the ONLY way to create true wealth And when we say true wealth, we mean it . Leo Trader Pro trade has been generating over 6 per month (yes, 6 verifiable by logging into our account), on average, for over 76 months now ( 514.77 ). and we KNOW it will continue to do so for years to come. We have no doubt about neural nets and their power (well, to be more accurate, neural nets developed by our team ). Anyone passing on the Leo Trader Pro trade neural nets automated trading solution opportunity. is passing on the opportunity to grow rich FAST (remember, we stand by our claims. we PROVE the PROOF and will continue to do so FOREVER). And sorry if we keep insisting. BUT, if you haven39t yet verified Leo Trader Pro trade39s performance for yourself, make sure to do so by logging in to our real-money live account. Log-in . and leave the account open. see how Leo Trader Pro trade makes money on almost EVERY trade (and yes, on average, 2 trades per day) See for yourself how instead of WATCHING it make money, it could be making money for YOU . NOTA . If you do not know how to download, install MT4 and use the investor password login option, please CLICK HERE to watch tutorial video . Y. if you want more information on what an investor password is, its importance when it comes to PROOF and why you NEED to always demand it, CLICK HERE to watch a 3 minute tutorial So, when we PROMISE you that we will FINALLY get you to make money (almost monthly account DOUBLING ), 100 hands free, on complete auto-pilot, we mean it AND we PROVE IT beyond all doubt Look, bottom line. You CANNOT argue with the numbers Numbers don39t lie. You have logged into our real-money, live account, and you have SEEN with your own eyes what type of profits YOU could be making tomorrow if you become a Leo Trader Pro trade valued client. Ahora. at this stage. you have 2 options really: Option 1: Finally understanding how REAL proof should be delivered in automated FX trading, and Option 2: CONTINUE falling into FX marketer39s web of lies and deceit. Continue being taken advantage of and being treated as a quotcredit cardquot, not as a person, a real client. We HOPE you chose to stop falling into those ruthless marketing tricks that are being used day in and day out in this industry. tricks used by vendors that HAVE to trick you because they DON39T have anything REAL to sell to you They have to quotpackagequot the product nicely so it looks appealing enough to buy it. But let us ask you. which trick have YOU PERSONALLY fallen for Here are the 7 most creative, ruthless and misleading tricks our FX marketers use day in and day out: Trick 1 . quot Automatic 1,738 Per year, Net Profit. GUARANTEED Income quot Mr. Reality Check Says . Where is the proof Where is the investor password to the account Why aren39t you giving it to me Trick 2 . quot Make US 47,387 PER MONTH every month with this FX robot quot Mr. Reality Check Says . Again, same as with accuracy: were is the proof Where is the investor password to the account so I can verify the claims Why aren39t you making it PUBLIC 24/5 Trick 3 . quot US 5,923 With ONLY 6 trades quot Mr. Reality Check Says . Por supuesto. but why aren39t you showing me the other 28 trades in the account Why aren39t you mentioning that you HANDPICKED the trades and that in reality the account was blown Trick 4 . quot 9 Years of unheard of performance. achieving over 12,895 PROFIT quot Mr. Reality Check Says . Yes, 9 years of BACK-TEST performance which is worth ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. All robots based on back-tests do not perform in real-money, live market conditions. And besides, stop hyping quotmonopoly moneyquot Trick 5 . quot This is a real-money, live account statement proving REAL perfomance quot Mr. Reality Check Says . Sí. the latest quottrendquot in scam world. If it is a real-money, live account statement, WHY aren39t you providing me and everyone else access to it with an account investor password Trick 6 . quot Chart showing trade entered here, exited there, made US 4,763 profit in 3 minutes quot Mr. Reality Check Says . Honestly now, THAT marketing tactic is one of THE biggest insults to anyone39s intelligence. It simply is Never mind that that quottradequot was taken with the benefit of quothindsightquot (maybe the vendor is selling to us a time machine), and that the probability of it happening again is like winning the lottery. but what about the 10 FULL LOTS the quottraderquot uses on a US 2,000 quotaccountquot Trick 7 . quot As Seen On (and here they use FANCY TV station names, Newspaper names, Magazine names etc) quot Mr. Reality Check Says . NONE, and we repeat, NONE of these fly-by-night products have appeared anywhere respectable, less so in LEADING media outlets have YOU ever seen one of these on TV or a leading publication We haven39t (are we living in a cave, or is it that the products never make it out of the vendors39 bedroomsquot Do you know what. we wont ask one more time which trick YOU have fallen for because it doesn39t matter, that39s is THE PAST and NOW you know better And not only you know better now. but you have a OPTION . A REAL option. A true opportunity . And, do you know what. we will never stop saying this: with us, you will ALWAYS get TRANSPARENT . 24/5, PUBLICLY accessible PROOF. you will always, and we repeat, ALWAYS be able to visit our website, login to mour real-money, live account and VERIFY for yourself Leo Trader Pro trade39s performance. Think about it ( 2 FACTS ). 1. Leo Trader Pro trade has been achieving an average of 6 NET profit per month for over 76 months now . with 2 trades per day. and less than drawdown, that IS A FACT . Y. 2. We will ALWAYS have the quot account investor password quot login details on our website so ANYONE can access the account and monitor Leo Trader Pro 39s performance in real time. that is ANOTHER FACT Not only do we have the BEST VERIFIABLE performance on the market, for under 77 months now. but MORE importantly: The fact that we are ALWAYS going to provide investor password access to our account shows how CONFIDENT we are about Leo Trader Pro trade39s FUTURE performance That39s right. WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HIDE. In fact, the contrary, we have EVERYTHING to show, because we are PROUD of what we got Leo Trader Pro trade is the only automated FX trading solution that WILL give you REAL profits (to the tune of 6 profit per month. no, that is not a bold claim, login to our account and see for yourself) - freedom . and peace of mind. ldquo How to Read the Mind of the Forex Market with Charts that Existed Long Before Candlestick hellip so that You Will Never be Tricked Getting into the Wrong Side of the Market Again rdquo Andhellip. Yoursquoll be able to dissent the real candlestick chart patterns from the fake and bag in more winning trades with this newly enhanced Metatrader 4 charting capabilities. A little-known type of forex charts, which enables anybody no matter what experience level, to never trade against the trend anymore These trading charts tracks the important movements which provide Forex traders to understand market trends and chart patterns so well that you will be extremely confident after you pull the trigger to take a trade. We have some important questions for you so please answer honestly hellip Have you stare at the charts for a time too long to remember, and yet still remain clueless of the current market direction Have you based your forex analysis on too many indicators and made your cluttered charts stop you from making any good trading decision How many times have you heard about gurus talking about a lsquoleadingrsquo indicator. and when you bought it, no matter how hard you try, you cannot seem to make it work. Do you know that if you based technical analysis solely on candlestick chart, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage compared to your peers using alternative charts No matter how much effort you spend on drawing support and resistance levels, these key levels do not seem to work. Are you sick of using the candle or bar charts that comes with Meta Trader trading platform and will like to consider more advanced charts that can filter insignificant price movements and noise Do you want a chart that isnrsquot based on TIME (ie bar and candle charts), and instead focused solely on PRICE (the only indicator that DOESNT LAG) and the movement of the markets Are you willing to keep an open mind and learn a simple software which can make key support and resistance levels much easier to identify and these levels will then set you up for winning trades totally suited to discretionary traders If you experienced any of the situations above, or answer yes to any of the above questions, you arenrsquot alone, we have gone through the process before. Irsquom going to show you a simple, stress-free and faster way of trading to solve these problems that most forex traders faced. No guess-work, just a step-by-step system anyone can follow to read the market more effectively and the bottom-line to improve your projections and trading profits. From the desk of Warren Seah ( Co ndash Creator of 2 Bestselling Forex Software ) Dear Mt4 Forex Trader, Hi, my name is Warren Seah and I am a forex trader. Not a guru, not a market wizard nor a published author - just a normal retail trader you see in the streets . One of the main struggles every new trader faces is to weed out the useful information from the ocean of claims, lies and miss-information that floats around the internet. I dont envy any forex trader who is just starting to trade forex. These poor traders are getting absolutely over-loaded with one gimmick after another. It almost seems like trading has become a lot more about bells and whistles than actual trading. We live in a time where a large chunk of the trading community is looking for indicators and automated trading solutions that will put arrows (uarrdarr) on their charts so they know when they should buy or sell . We live in a time when traders are spending hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars a month on the supposed latest and greatest, most state of the art forex systems. My, goodness. When did trading become about who had the most doodads. wins . Despite what you think, trading is not about gimmick, or taking the easy way out. Its about actually understanding and interpreting price action. Letrsquos talk about just the facts for a moment. De acuerdo. Lets start from the beginning. and please pay close attention here. You are about to learn THE most important, and regrettably, quotdeceivingquot truth when it comes to trading with candlestick and bar charts. FACT 1: ldquo Candlestick and Bar Charts Make Trading Harder Than What You Think rdquo ALL candlestick and bar charts are best at micro analyzing the market. Hence, it contains within a GREAT DEAL of noise. The random noise makes it extremely difficult for forex traders to determine the true trend of the market. Market noise resulted in many false breakouts that lsquoeatrsquo into your overall trading profits. Market, just like human beings, Have A Personality. Candlestick and bar charts do not efficiently reflect this personality. If you trade solely on candlestick or bar charts, you are missing a great deal of information that could have protected you from many losing trades To survive in the forex market, a macro analysis of the market is vital before we looked into the micro forex sentiments. We need to know where are the key support and resistance areas that most professionals are trading at. 95 of candlestick formations that you spot on the chart are market noise that will make you lose money when taken as trading signals. In order for these signals to be valid. they have to occur on special levels most professionals called support and resistance levels . If these candlestick formations arenrsquot formed on support and resistance levels, they are weak signals which often show a consolidating market that trends nowhere. We need to integrate support and resistance analysis into our candle and bar charts. However, we understand that candle and bar charts are not the best tools for it. Finding this support and resistance levels are not easy for most traders. FACT 2: Why would you want to base your trading decisions off something that is only telling you what has already happened I dont mean to come down hard on indicators. Indicators manipulate price data and present it another way. While most can say they are organizing data in a better way, the nature and the very essence of indicators is just a derivative of price data. Truth be told thats exactly what I used when I first started trading. It was so obvious, I couldnt believe it. Do you think that the most successful traders in the world are really worried about how different periods of Moving Average lines are doing I highly doubt that . The whole point is that they dont need them or any other indicator for that matter. If you dont believe me, all you have to do is look at the history of the markets and how traders became successful. There were legendary floor traders at the beginning of the stock market who became millionaires just by following the movement of the price. Irsquom not even sure candlestick chart was invented at that time, much less indicators. Thats when I dropped everything, completely cleared my charts of all indicators and began to look at my forex charts, as the purists call, naked . There was nothing blocking my view of the price. No Moving Averages, No MACD, No RSI, NOTHING but a simple chart. FACT 3: ldquo Taking The Less Is More Approach Leads To Success In Forex Technical Analysis rdquo It seems pretty obvious that the more indicators you used on the charts, the more complicated trading becomes. and the harder its going to be, to make real money from forex. For whatever the reason, people just dont seem to listen. How else would that explain why only 5 of forex traders make any money If all these quotmagicalquot indicators and robots worked, why are there so many people crashing their accounts All these overpriced indicators and robots provide hardly ANY insight to the market If programs canrsquot make you a better forex trader at the end of the day and there isnrsquot any lesson or skill you can get out of it then you are probably wasting your time and money on such programsrdquo As any experienced trader will tell you, more is NOT always better. And just because technology makes it possible to have many indicators at our fingertips, that doesnrsquot necessarily mean you SHOULD use them. This is a trap that far too many people fall into, overwhelmed by information, lose money and quit. The best way to understand how I discovered these hard truths is to describe what I went through. For many years, I found myself entering trades and just minutes later found out that I positioned a trade which is against the trend. This situation occurred to me too many times that I became so used to it. I was afraid to pull the trigger when the trading signal appeared, I didnrsquot know whether to follow the trading signal or to fade the signal. I was trading like a loser and my trading results showed it. I was totally drained. tricked by so many FAKE signals that appeared real. Every time, I followed the signals, I was caught into bad trades. A couple of times, I tried abusing my trading system and making every stupid mistake that a beginner ever made, the experience was a disaster I read up on trading systems and candlestick chart patterns. Tracking popular candlestick patterns, looking for morning and evening star, doji and hammer or hanging man, these couldnrsquot help. I was getting caught up in too many bad trades. It reached a point that I began to question myself can I still understand the market overall trend anymore Are these candlestick chart patterns still valid in today market Besides the so-called gurus are talking about these candlestick patterns, are there actual forex traders trading such patterns I have no doubt that many traders found themselves in the same situation and know exactly what I am talking about But I never gave up. I know there must be something that I am doing wrong so I start seeking information to trade better in forex. In my pursuit for more information in trading forex, I turned to professionals for advice. There are two distinctive groups of people whom I accidentally discovered. There will be one group of people who will use many indicators to confirm their market analysis. Basically, the indicators they used in their analysis lsquohappenrsquo to always verify that their advice are lsquoright. rsquo Next, I took action and take the trade heavily influenced by the analyst advice since all of the indicators are showing a buy signal. Then, things just happen very quickly before I knew it, RSI which happens to be in the oversold region is now off the oversold region. But didnrsquot the professionals said that all indicators are signaling market is oversold a few minutes ago I went back to the analystrsquos report that I consulted earlier on the website and this is what I see. ldquo Revised Forecast Due To Changing Fundamentals rdquo I was fuming with anger as I see my trade is losing thousands of dollars in just a few minutes while the professionals at the website now pointed the market to the other direction as they confirmed that market has now changed its course of direction as all indicators in their list were indicative of their conclusion. Later on, I found out that this group of professionals is analysts. They do not necessarily trade in the forex market. They are paid to analyze the market. That means, they are paid to be right. Thus, it is common for most analysts to gather as much information using tradersrsquo favorite indicators to tell their lsquostory. rsquo Their market reports look interesting and exciting to the public, and their only real benefit lies in having great lsquoentertainment valuersquo to the public. The public will always be impressed by their knowledge but in actual fact these professionals are doing a simple work: Analystrsquos Job. Monkey See, Monkey Do. Their analysis are merely reports that they observed from the markets. Reports are events which have already occurred. Because they are paid to be right in their job. they will always based their observation from history, gather all the supporting information using the indicators, and crafted it into a market report. Analysts will tell us to use as many indicators to confirm our analysis before we take on a trade. The more indicators point us to a conclusion, the higher the probability of a winning trade. While their advice seems to made sense, but they are flawed when it applies to trading. Indicators interpret prices and when most indicators confirmed that market is moving up, the tendency is market has already moved up . If you do act on this information, you will find yourself placing a trade and the next minute you are against the trend and losing money. This buy fake or sell fake really annoyed me and I knew I had to crack it You see, I told myself I will learn lsquonot to fallrsquo for those fake signalshellip I have been exactly where you are now. I remember the feelings of hope and euphoria when I first discovered Forex, realising it was my route to a better life, and then having my dreams smashed like a wooden ship on rocks during a stormy night. My hopes and dreams were shattered, and trading Forex full-time, were ripped apart when I realised that the quottrading signalsquot analyzed by these lsquotrading professionalsrsquo that I was buying were anything but guaranteed It looked so easy when they were showing on the charts how trades can be entered here and exited from there - but when I tried it myself I ended up taking losing trade after losing trade. But then one day I suddenly figured out what I was doing wrong. My luck came when I meet the second group of professionals. Later on, I found out that this group are actual forex traders. They take real trades in the market. Their market analysis are so simple to my amazement that they often discuss on a lsquonakedrsquo chart and mentioned a few support and resistance lines that will be important for the day. Their analysis are so simple that yoursquoll think your analysis could have been better than theirshellip I was introduced to this concept of lsquo price action trading rsquo from this group of traders. What is price action trading In simple terms, it is a trading technique that allows you to read the market and make trading decisions based on using nothing more than a single, uncluttered chart. You dont need a fancy trading room with multiple monitors, nor do you need any expensive proprietary indicators that will simply confuse you and trick you into entering bad trades. With price action trading, all you need is a single chart, a few key support and resistance lines and a few trend lines. Anything more than this and you will only make trading more difficult. Its so logical, how do I make good trading decisions when I am reading from several indicators that give me confusing signals all at once So, I decided to put all my concentration and focus on learning price action trading rather than finding the best indicators one after another. The end result By the end of a couple weeks, I began to see the market in a completely brand new light . I could see what I was doing wrong in the past trading almost every candlestick patterns I came across. 95 of these candlestick patterns appeared in the congestion zones where market hardly moved. The remaining 5 patterns that appeared on support and resistance levels are to be taken as valid trading signals. Only 5 of trading signals result in winning trades. Trading candlestick patterns on price action charts was much powerful than anything else Price action charts could easily pinpoint these support and resistance levels with ease. Integrating these support resistance levels with right candlestick formation increase accuracy for a trade to win. I was totally shocked. I noticed that on these price action charts, you almost dont have any quotnoisequot or quotdistractionquot which envisioned before my eyes a much clearer picture of the lsquomarket action taken by the market makers like: Institutions, Banks, and Hedge Fund traders. It was like I could see the markets energy. For the first time in my miserable trading life I could see the market as a living, breathing thing. It stunned me that throughout all these times I was looking at a chart, this was staring back at me the whole time and I couldnt see it . How could this be. Its simple All these pesky indicators were blocking my view . From that day forward I was a completely different trader. No more indicators, No more trading robots, No more chat rooms, No more signal services, No more spending hundreds of dollars on useless software. No more NONSENSE . I became the trader that I always wanted to be and I owe it all to trading naked (not literally of course). I was able to work like a trader by myself not at the hands of other peoplesrsquo advice, trading signal or mentorship. I was able to work for myself not relying on anybody. I am in control of my forex trading and it feels great to be in the helm. Learning the right price action reading techniques means that youll be able to understand the Latest market information. Youve probably read a few economic reports, or heard some currency analyst telling you about where the currency markets are headed. but why would you need to listen to any of them, when the answer is right there on your trading chart. You see, economic reports can be wrong. market analysts can be wrong. But price action will never lie. Never What Does Forex Chartistry Tells Me Well, in short. everything (at least from the technical analysis side). You know how people read a book Or how you are reading this right now Well. thats kind of what price action is like. You can start from the left of the chart and start reading to the right, just as you would read a book. You can start to see key support and resistance zones You can see where the market would have explosive breakout zones You can read future direction of price with great accuracy You can see chart patterns much easier and incorporate candlestick chart patterns into technical analysis You can basically see exactly what is happening in the market now and projecting into the future Yes. I know that there are indicators that will tell you where support and resistance lines are. Sí. I know there are indicators that will tell you where breakout levels are. Sí. I know there are indicators that predict where the price is headed. Mi sugerencia es probar estos indicadores por sí mismo. I am sure youll be completely overwhelmed with how unintuitive most of them are. Once again, if it was that simple to make money by slapping on a couple of these quotmagicalquot indicators, then nobody would be struggling to make money. You have to see it with your own eyes. Usted debe ser capaz de detectar un área de soporte y resistencia simplemente mirando simplemente un gráfico. No hay fórmulas involucradas. Its all about comprehending what you are seeing. Mi meta es conseguir que usted vea el mercado a través de sus propios ojos. Not filtered through Stochastics. MACD. RSI. or any lagging indicator. that supposedly have insights to the market. Ahora. we want to expand a bit on the concept of why candlestick and bar charts are often not the best charts to trade the market. It is VITAL that you understand this. Lo que dicen los clientes. Im learning more and more daily and I read your messages and instructions. Im just getting used to the binary trading world and have been adding books to my library (Sentiment Indicators, Binary Options How to Trade Binary Options Successfully) after viewing your videos and pdf files. Im taking to heart your comments about multi-charting with a variety of indicators and Im trading dry by placing lines where my trade would have been to watch the market movement in various currency pairs applying the various indicators. I have a feeling Im developing a new confidence using this approach. Antonio Carbonell 6th June 2013 Hello, I would like to congratulate you because before ForexChartistry, mt4 forex charts were not always very clean, now its perfect. Michel Matroule 11 de febrero de 2013 Gran producto hace lo que se dice que hace, funciona ligero en mt4. Finalmente un punto y una figura apropiados basissuite tasado que trabaja. La facilidad de comercio de correo electrónico automático funciona sin problemas y reduce el tiempo de parada completa. Yo sólo el comercio de precios de este perfecto gracias chicos gran producto gran apoyo. Andrew Kerrich 31 de mayo de 2013 Lo que los clientes están hablando con nuestro servicio de asistencia técnica. Warren. If price action charts are so good, why arenrsquot they used by most Forex traders Price action charts have a rather low level of awareness among traders. This is not because they are not effective instead, it is because there is a common misconception that charting tools that preceded the age of computers is not as effective as modern ones are. The current generation of traders matured in an age whose focus has been on fast execution, leaving charting as an after-thought. Once traders understand price action chart concepts and applications, they will likely apply them with a greater degree of frequency. By the 1970s, computers were tracking stocks so quickly and efficiently that people thought that because you COULD track every minute of a stocks activity, that you SHOULD track every minute of a stocks activity. ignoring the obvious pitfalls of doing so As any experienced trader will tell you, more is NOT always better. And just because technology makes it possible to do something. that doesnrsquot necessarily mean you SHOULD do it. This is a trap that far too many people fall into, and in this case many of the price action charts (kagi, renko, price break and point and figure charts) became the unlikely victim. In fact, we encourage you to do your due diligence, hook up a Bloomberg Professional workstation and look for price break or line break charts, renko, kagi and point and figure charts. Chances are, you will already find them in-built into the charting package for professional traders. If both professional traders and analyst use them, shouldnrsquot we also get educated in these charts Forex Chartistry is NOT for you if : You prefer to rely on mechanical or blackbox trading systems and hope to get rich overnight. You think having little knowledge is good enough to win in Forex trading. You believe that buying automated trading systems, trading signals and advice are your edge to make money in forex. You do not understand technical analysis and only choose to rely on gurus and analyst for advice. You do not have time to improve your trading skill and you arenrsquot a serious trader. You arenrsquot a technical trader. If you believe in any of the above, Forex Chartistry is NOT for you. In fact, I have traders who order Forex Chartistry just because they needed only one of the charts above. Using any of the charts above could improve your success trading in the forex market. Now, you can get all four for the price of one You could be thinking you can try to get some of these chart indicators for free on the popular forex forums. Sí. Usted puede. I will not stop you from doing this. However, I want you to understand that those tools available for free may not suit your trading style and needs. As you know trading is very personal. some of the owners are willing to share their work on the forum because they had developed for their own trading needs. Yeshellip bare that in mind when you download free tools online, the tools are made for the ownerrsquos benefit more than you. With limited support and help, you will be surprised that the tools you downloaded may not work as you expected to be. In Forex Trading, Where Our Hard-Earned Cash Are At Stake, We Donrsquot Take Any Chanceshellip All of our charts are designed so that they can accommodate each traderrsquos unique trading preference. Specifying your preference can be as easy as entering them into the field at the Indicator parameters. Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES We believe its 100 to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today So heres the deal. When you accept our invitation to download quot Forex Chartistry quot you also get these 4 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE Fast Start Action Bonus 1 1. Trend Change Alert To Survive in Forex, you need a trading tool that can not only read current trend, but also identify potential reversal levels in shift of market sentiment before they are formed. With trend change alert technology, trader may enter or exit trades by placing pending orders even before the reversal is fully formed. With Trend Change Alert Integrated Into Each Of The Charts, Yoursquoll Never Miss An Important Signal Anymore . Note: Shown on picture is price break alerts, Renko, Kagi and Point and Figure not shown here. Our price action charts are integrated each with their own alert system that will inform you whenever therersquos a shift in market sentiment or a pattern formation. Fast Start Action Bonus 2 2. Trend Line Tool (chart pattern trader) If you are already having success trading with chart patterns on normal candle or bar chartshellip You couldnrsquot have imagined how chart patterns that showed up on price action charts deliver much more powerful trading signals in your technical analysis. ldquo Price Action Charts Make Chart Patterns Much Easier To Identify And Patterns That Show Up Deliver Higher Accuracy In Trading Signals rdquo Forex Chartistrytrade will make technical analysis easier by allowing you to trade chart patterns on automation when high probability patterns are spotted. The trend lines will work as entry or exit pending orders to trade the chart patterns in full automation. Setting the instructions to Forex Chartistry requires just a few minutes. Patterns like Head amp Shoulder, Double and Triple Top/Bottom, Wedges, Flags, etc. are great patterns which present excellent trading opportunities. Trend line tool will allow you to trade these chart patterns in full automation ensuring that you will never miss an important entry trigger just because you werenrsquot at the trading screen at the that crucial moment. If you still needed a little bit more help to execute your trades, this entry and exit automation will solve all of your needs. An Automated Tool that Leaves Me One Simple Task: Draw Lines This is a tool with a few sets of well drawn lines could allow you to trade most of the technical chart patterns, irrespective of any type of market conditions. This feature makes drawing line in all 4 of the price action charts become a draw-as-you-trade tool. With this feature, you can draw lines and specify instruction to the line to work as pending orders, stop loss or take profit lines. This tool is designed to work in all 4 price action charts. In addition, this trendline entry and exit tool will also work on the candlestick and bar charts. Thatrsquos How Powerful This Is hellip How Simple It Is To Put Into ACTION hellip So we came up with the automated entry and exit trading feature. This system will be here to guide and hold your hand as you step forward on the path to finally be able to control your trading destiny. Fast Start Action Bonus 3 3. Trade Automator Expert Advisor This is one of the most flexible trading tools one will ever comes across. It will automate entries and exits based on special signals generated from Forex Chartistry Charts. What are some of these special signals Change in trend ndash When a change in trend by any of those indicator are detected, a buy/sell pending order can be placed automatically to time the entry at the change of trend. The trade will be best positions for maximum profit if the trade becomes profitable later on. Renko Auto-Entry on N Brick Formation ndash If user specified RenkoBrickTrigger to be 2, a 2 upbrick formation will warrant a buy entry, while a 2 downbrick Renko formation will trigger a sell entry. It will only apply to new renko brick formation. Change in trend ndash Similarly, a trade managed will automatically exit if a change in trend is detected. This will ensure that your positions are exited for maximum profit if a reversal is confirmed by any of our indicators. Trailing Stop Loss ndash The user can have a trade managed by trailing its stop loss level with the high or low of the last X number of renko boxes. Stealth trailing stop is also available. Special Exit Signals only For Renko Charts - Auto Exit Trade at occurance of opposite color renko boxes. Trading on Breakouts - Support and resistance levels can be auto-plotted on point and figure charts. When these special levels are breached, a trade entry can be automatically placed to position your trade for breakout trading signals. Your manual trading system can now be made more systematic and placed on automation. Trading forex will now be a less emotional affair with Trade Automator Tool. Fast Start Action Bonus 4 4. Trading with Price Action Charts Ebook This ebook will document the good practices for using trend line and trade automator ea to automate your manual trading system with price action charts. It provides information on setting up and automating your trading decisions to allow trade automator and trend line tool execute them on your behalf even while you sleep. Fast Start Action Bonus 5 5. Lifetime Free Update and Support Once, you are in, you can be assured that there will not be a recurring charge. You can enjoy a one-time charge today and life-time updates and support for free. As soon as our support cannot cope with the ticketing requests, we will have to change this package to a subscription service. Putting everything togetherhellip Price Action Charts Traders that use price action charts will remove a lot of ldquo noise rdquo from their chart. Standard support/resistance, trend and chart pattern analysis techniques can best represented price action charts compare to normal bar and candle charts. In fact, it is often easier to locate strong support or resistance levels on price action charts because of their quotcleanquot appearance. Installation Guide Support and Technical Helpdesk The package will come with support helpdesk so that we will answer all of your questions about Forex Chartistry. If you have any questions, our support team are serious about providing you the necessary information to get you started with Forex Chartistry. In addition, we understand that your success is our success. You success must come first before us. We are committed to solve your problems and our replies are within 24 hours. Price Action Charts Trend Change Alert Trend Line Tool Trade Automator Tool Picture With a set of 3 super-simple features that, when combined together, become a POWERFUL trading tool for discretionary forex trading. Setting up a high probable trade in price action charts with win-rate so high is not a dream anymorehellip Download Forex Chartistry now and start tracking and trade important forex movements from today hellip You could stop reading now if you intend to pass an incredible deal like this that could bring your forex trading to a higher level hellip However, before you gohellip I will like to warn you first. Forex Chartistry will be used by serious traders for many years to come. They will enjoy better Mt4 trading capabilities and generating more winning signals with Forex Chartistry. There will be no surprise that Forex Chartistry users will be able to spot more winning trades than normal MT4 user. Their technical analysis will soon become better than the rest of traders after using Forex Chartistry for at least 1-3 months. Forex Chartistry will be the difference between whether you are profiting or losing from the Forex market. Users will soon realize that Forex Chartistry is their trading edge. Could you ever give up an opportunity like this to improve your trading skill If I were you, I will really consider and re-think about how I am going to bring my Forex trading to the next level. To increase my win rate, and to be better year after year as a forex trader will be my main focus. Only if these are achieved, I can ensure that my trading profits will never stop coming in. Being a forex trader is a challenging career, many see the rewards but are unwilling to pay the price. The price as a forex trader is about becoming better as a trader year after year, gaining an edge, so that we will always be ahead of the majority of the traders. This is the key to continual forex success. Forex Chartistrytrade is unlike anything you have ever seen before and it trains you to become a better Forex trader. It is the key to Forex success. I provide a total framework that removes 95 of the insignificant market movements out of your trading chart. Forex Chartistrytrade is available for instant download. In the next few minutes you can be using one of the simplest and most effective trading charts ever created . Still have questions about Forex Chartistrytrade Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below. You Are at a Crossroad Today, You Have 3 Options to Makehellip If you have this mechanical mindset and would just prefer to sit down and say quotwell. my indicators say buy, so Ill buy, quot Forex Chartistry is not for you. You can decide to go drifting through mechanical trading systems (or trading robot) after another until you find that elusive ldquoholy grailrdquo that every one else is looking for. The next time you come back with high hopes only to find out that this website has been closed and closed for good. Because make no mistake, Forex Chartistry will be traded by real serious Forex enthusiasts and hardcore trader. In fact, this concept of price action charts and chart automation technology were suggested by money managers and we soon put the idea to work. You can take your chances right here, right now. You can start to take trading a little more seriously. and put YOURSELF behind the wheel of the car. No longer will your indicators, trading robots, or signal providers be calling the shots. Forex Chartistry will simplify trading chart allowing you to see the true market picture. Gain full control of your trading charthellip Define your trading edge with Forex Chartistry. Start today So Whats It Worth For You To Have A Team of Traders Exposed The Truth And Finally Hand You Proven Ways To Trade Better With MT4 In total, today we are offering Price Action Charts worth 11,229 You might ask: ldquoHey Warren Isnrsquot the price too steep Irsquod rather have this money in my trading account giving me more profitsrdquo Well you may be right about that but letrsquos see why we came to that figurehellip Forex Chartistry has been our fruit of labor that we have been developing with our money and time in it. It took us 200 hours over a period of 3 months to develop. 200 hours are time spent in software development while the remaining 100 hours were used in testing to ensure quality execution and user-friendly. You can easily roam online outsourcing portals to see the average rates of a programmer fee on software development. Like you, we also want to get the best price for quality work. We were lucky to find programmers to work for us at US 30 per hour. And for that our expenses incurred on programming fees amounted to approximate 9,000 ( 300 X 30 ). Another 1,250 has to be invested to come up with the level of security features found in PAC. A Total Worked Out to Be More Than 11,229 It is Worth Way More Than What We Had Valued. But THANK GOD You guys do not have to fork out 11,229 to learn the right way. We believe it is certainly worth for us to spend every single dime and effort to learn our mistakes and present you the best with what we have developed today: Price Action Charts. For you to able to come this far to hear our story, with the utmost persistency and determination to want to do well in trading, we want to reward you. You have waited long enough, long enough to want to start being a better trader. And we are going to give you something you wouldnrsquot want to walk away from. Today, we want to offer to you our exclusive package for: 11,229 So there For only 227 one-time fee, you shall receive all the benefits of Forex Chartistry and start your trading success the right way We invite you to take action today because for a price you pay today, we believe the information and material you received will improve your chart reading skill. Finally, technical analysis will generate trading signals with higher winning accuracy. (PS: Read further to reap more, you wonrsquot regret) Investing 227 today, you will receive 11,229 worth of values. Forex Chartistry will provide you with lsquoa birdrsquos eye viewrsquo of the forex market within minutes, thus freeing you to do everything you like, instead of constantly staring at your trading screen. If Forex Chartistry can free 4 hours of your time every trading day, that adds up to 20 hours per week (2hr X 5) and adds up to 1040 hours of your life (52weeks X 20 hr) Can you imagine what you can do with the extra 1040 hours Spend with your family, hangout with your friends, learn a new skill or simply go on a vacation 227 is Your Investment and 11,229 Worth of Value is What You Get Okay Warren, This is a Great Deal Any More Discount for Forex Chartistry Price is what you invest today. Value is what you will get and benefit for life. If value EXCEED the price, it is a GREAT Deal You invest 227 and get 11,229, isnt this a great deal If you were to hire a programmer and pay him on an hourly basis ( 30 per hour ) for hundreds of hours to program your idea (assuming you had an idea that worked), then pay the same programmer to test the robot with the correct protocols and monitor it for months, we both know it would cost tens of thousands of Dollars. But you donrsquot have to pay that much. You donrsquot even have to pay 5,000. 2,500 or even 1000 . My introductory offer for Forex Chartistry is just 227.00 Thats less than yoursquod pay for 8 hours of a programmerrsquos time. This offer is time sensitive and this low price may be taken off anytime. Why So Low First off, I just want to let you know that not everybody is going to get Forex Chartistry. 227 is an introductory price for a one time investment. For this introductory offer, I donrsquot want price to be an issuehellip I want to make it affordable so even the beginner Forex trader can jumpstart their Forex trading. Once I start getting flooded with orders (which is what I expect), then Ill have to raise my pricing to 297.00. But even at 297.00, itrsquos a steal for the best Forex charting tool on the market today. Note: This affordable low price will not stay. Once all 300 license are issued, Forex Chartistryrsquos price will go up to 297 or even higher. This is because we need to increase members of our team to handle and take care of our member community. I am offering Forex Chartistry trade to YOU because I know the frustrations of trading when youre not making consistent profits. I remember the pain of trying to figure out why others were doing so well. while I took poor quality trades and missed out on great trades. But my negative feelings towards Forex are a thing of the past. Today, you have a chance to change that. Donrsquot need to clutter your trading charts with lagging indicators Donrsquot need to use blackbox or mechanical trading systems anymore because you are fully in control of forex trading now Donrsquot need to work with many confusing indicators Donrsquot need to pay for anymore forex signals and trading advice Donrsquot need to work all day and night to monitor the market Donrsquot need to lose your sleep while an ongoing trade is in force Donrsquot need to worry about trading against the trend anymore This software can be used by anyonehellip and wersquore talking about people who have just started Forex trading and have read a few chapters on technical analysis or Forex charting. Strip Off All Your Indicators And Learn To Trade With Forex Chartistry Today This is your call-to-action. This is the critical point in your trading career where you continue what yoursquore doing and hope that you will someday start making money. The successful forex traders understand that the market is not mechanical, and shouldnt be handled as such. They understand that in order to be successful you have to analyze and interpret the market. Somewhere along the way, words like analyze, interpret, and subjective became dirty words in trading. Traders didnt want to have to think. They just wanted to be told what to do. But thats not what Forex trading is all about With Forex Chartistry trade. You will immediately notice how real trading is not mechanical at all. instead, its actually centered around price action reading and truly understanding whats going on in the chart as the trade unfolds in real time That chart-reading skill is exactly what you must master if you want to learn how to properly trade successfully. LIMITED TIME ONLY Warren Seah and ForexChartistry Team P. S .- Remember, Im willing to bet youll be absolutely thrilled with quot Forex Chartistry. quot If youre not, let us know within 60 days and well refund your purchase price ASAP. P. P.S. - Its about time you stop trading with candle or bar charts. Finally find out what it likes to trade with price action charts helping you to simplify trading decisions by allowing you only to see the true market picture. P. P.P. S. ndash Stop looking for another trading robot that claims to trade for you. Havenrsquot you get enough of these marketing gimmicks To be successful in trading, itrsquos about shaping your technical analysis and chart reading skills. Price action charts help you define and develop your trading edge hellip And no one can take that away from youhellip ever CFTC RULE 4.41 - HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENERSE COMPARTIDOS POR EL IMPACTO, SI CUALQUIERA, DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO, COMO LA FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS. Todos los resultados mostrados en este sitio web son hipotéticos, los resultados de prueba de nuevo. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real. Toda la información en este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the ForexChartistry team and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Los logotipos y marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

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